We asked you, "What are the benefits of shaving with a vintage razor?"

We asked you, "What are the benefits of shaving with a vintage razor?"

Posted by Marissa Neel on 13th Sep 2016

And we were blown away by the responses! Thank you to everyone who responded. Your connection with the past, better shaves, saving money, and enjoying a quality shaving experience are why we work each and every day to preserve vintage razors. Here are a few of the responses:

P. Sawyer "I get to use my grandfather's brush. Priceless."

P. Fritts "Almost everything compared to the modern expensive 5/6 blade models. Price, speed, smoothness, and they are just so cool and James Bond."

E.A. Roberg "Not spending a small fortune every month for cartridge-stye, multi-track razor blades that I've been brainwashed into believing provide the ultimate shave. Nothing better than a double-edge shave."

H. Cushman "Many benefits... Super close shaves, little to no irritation, saving money, great skin care, and more can all be yours if you shave with a vintage Gillette double edge!"

A. Carpenter "There is simply no better quality shave for the money. An old ball end Tech, which can cost as little as $10, can easily deliver great shaves for at least a lifetime."

T. Roberts "It's very relaxing (IMHO), very cheap overall, but most importantly it reminds me of the times I spent shaving my disabled Uncle John Henry who was a father figure."

B. Thomas "There is more variety with DE shaving. Limitless brush , blade and razor combinations. Not just the same old routine each time."

InstaGram "I have a black beauty and I love it. Great investment and I will one day pass this on to a family member"

InstaGram "Got started borrowing my dad's Murker.. one day at the antique shop, found a user grade Z2 Flair Tip. Cleaned it and polished it. Been a great razor ever since. With a Bic blade, does almost as good as my straights on my head!"

InstaGram "I used my grandfather's 1962 Gillette Slim you guys restored for me about everyday! It's great to have a USA made heirloom!"

CL. Saum II "The connection I feel to my dad. He has been dead for 27 years. A few months ago I found a couple of his old Gillettes and that's what got me started in DE shaving. There is nothing like shaving with a razor that's older than you, even better knowing it belonged to your father."

Not only are they an economical and environmentally sustainable way to get a smooth shave everyday, but they are Made in the USA, durable, repairable, and perfect heirlooms you can pass down for generations! So a better question is…. why aren’t you using a vintage Gillette razor? We want to hear your thoughts!