Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Single Ring Safety Razor

Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Single Ring Safety Razor

31st May 2018

Razor Archive

Gillette Old Type

Single Ring Safety Razor


Weight: 51g

Handle Length: 82mm

Material: Stamped Brass

Plating: Silver, Gold, Nickel

Common Problems: Bent Teeth, Cracked Handle, Patina

Rarity Scale: 2.5 out of 5

The second razor manufactured by Gillette is called the Single Ring, however this name was given to it many years later. For the first decade it was simply referred to as "The Gillette Razor". This razor model was changed from the original Double Ring design without fanfare (very unlike Gillette.) 

Because the simplified version wasn't toted as 'improved' we can believe the change went largely unnoticed and allowed Gillette to manufacture more efficiently. 

We also see an increase in marketing this razor as adjustable. Many collectors think the adjustability mindset began with the Super Speed Trio, but that's not the full story. By loosening the head the blade was allowed to spring up, and the shaver could find the perfect amount of efficiency for the smoothest shave!

We see a large variation in Gillette cases and accoutrements during this time. Not only are different configurations available with options for shoe shines, toothbrush, manicure sets, in addition to the brush, soap, talc, aftershave, and cologne. Check out this catalog from 1908 to see all the amazing options for sale!