Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Vest Pocket Safety Razor

Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Vest Pocket Safety Razor

31st Aug 2018

Gillette Old Type 

Vest Pocket Safety Razor


Weight: varies

Handle Length: varies

Material: Stamped Brass, Sterling Silver, Etc

Plating: 14K Gold, Nickel, Etc.

Common Problems: Bent Teeth

Rarity Scale: 4 out of 5

In 1914 the world was looking towards Europe. Still the world's greatest power and the largest influencer in taste and culture. This very European inspired razor was manufactured at a time when Gillette began hitting its stride. They were manufacturing their rock solid line of Old Type Safety Razors and looked to adding more models in order to take up more space at the local general stores and to put Gillette razors into the hands of everyman. 

Several variations of the Gillette Vest Pocket exist, the two most noted are the Vienna Vest Pocket which was a nickel plated, telescoping handle, with metal case. The other is mentioned in the Gillette collecting books of the past, the Tiffany Company Vest Pocket Set shown from Matt's collection in the video. Watch the video below for more information.